Durchschnittlicher Wert der eingegebenen Scheine: 14.39 €
Verteilung der Werte der Scheine
5 €
775205 €
10 €
674630 €
20 €
874520 €
50 €
1436450 €
100 €
309300 €
200 €
73800 €
500 €
155000 €
Hi there,
The old saying goes that there is time for everything and so has also my active EBT career come to an end. After almost eight years of active day-to-day 'ebting' and literally thousands of visits to banks around the Europe, I have now moved out of the Euro zone. My new home is in Vancouver, Canada, where I plan not to start tracking any Canadian dollars. ;-)
EBT was my longest lasting active hobby and it brought me lots of joy and happiness during all the years in it. If it wasn't for EBT, I would have never done so much local traveling and for example never learned to know the most remote corners of the city of Berlin. My modest personal contribution to this hobby was a little below 297 000 notes, but on top that I am happy to have been able to bring into this hobby new users nowadays with around one million notes. I am very happy that I was able to contribute my small share to the benefit of the whole EBT community.
I will depart from this hobby with great memories and many good stories to tell people about it. During my active years I got to know many interesting people both online and live around the Europe. I hope all these people will keep ebting far in the future and I wish many great hits to everyone of them (hopefully some of those with me)!
Despite leaving my active career behind, I will keep entering notes occasionally. In the years to come I at least hope to see my first Canadian hit! :-)