Durchschnittlicher Wert der eingegebenen Scheine: 20.04 €
Verteilung der Werte der Scheine
5 €
3641090 €
10 €
5217150 €
20 €
6905480 €
50 €
3636450 €
100 €
3069100 €
200 €
1892600 €
500 €
10282000 €
Best Hit month -> 06 / 2009 => 389 Hit's (incl. 35 * Tripple, 1 Quadrupple; not incl. 714 moderated Hit's and 1 moderated Tripple) ---- Best Hit-Quality month -> 09 / 2009 => 321 Hit's (incl. 43 * Tripple, 6 Quadrupple; not incl. 877 moderated Hit's, 132 moderated Tripple) ---- Most notes per month -> 09 / 2013 with 24.600 notes ---- Most notes per day -> 18.09.2013 with 6.000 notes 2010.11.01: in vienna Nr. 1 with the most tracked 20er's - 361.370 bills tracked 2010.12.08: Nr. 1 tracker in vienna ( = ebt's Nr. 1 city ) - 378.079 bills tracked 2011.02.24: in vienna the tracker with the most different hitpartners – 407.295 bills tracked 2011.03.14: because of the fusion between team nossi and LaGomera I lost the Nr. 1 in vienna (I hold only the Nr. 1 for the best visitor) -> thank you very much -> now I have new visions ! – 413.105 bills tracked 2011.03.31: by giving in 5.927 bills (with 49 hit's) I will be once again the number 1 in vienna !! – 427.546 bills tracked 2011.04.01: in vienna Nr. 1 with the most tracked 10er's – 428.445 bills tracked
2011.06.18: in vienna once again the tracker with the most different hitpartners – 456.147 bills tracked 2011.08.15 - 2012.04.16 + since 2013.03.15: in vienna Nr. 1 with the most tracked 500er's 2011.10.18: the 3. austrian and the 20. international tracker who tracked 500.000 bills 2011.10.22: the day I reach with 501.600 bills the value of 17 € per bill (on 26.07.2009 I had with 167.080 bills the value of 9,892 € !) 2012.02.27: 6 years and 7 day's after start tracking bills on ebt I'm the number 2 in austria with 555.000 tracked bills
2012.07.15: H.i.n.t.i. overtakes me -> now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 3 national and Nr. 18 international – 593.200 bills tracked 2012.08.29: I'm the Nr. 17 international – 603.675 bills tracked 2012.09.01: the 1. viennese and the 4. austrian tracker with 1.000 different hitpartners - 604.300 bills tracked 2012.11.15: I'm the 4. national and the 16. international tracker who reaches 10.000 hits – 621.925 bills tracked 2013.01.12: I'm the Nr. 16 international – 642.600 bills tracked 2013.05.23: I'm the Nr. 15 international – 706.500 bills tracked 2013-07-27: I think I'm international the tracker with he most tracked 500er (at the moment 7.600 !) – 726.300 bills tracked 2013-08-16: I tracked 750.000 bills (value per bill = 19,56 €) 2013-09-18: by tracking 6.000 bills I overtake H.i.n.t.i and Schach & family -> I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 2 national and Nr. 13 international – 775.000 bills tracked 2013-09-25: I overtake joergb30 -> I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 2 national and Nr. 12 international - more is for the next 3 years not possible – 780.000 bills tracked 2013-10-04: the day I reach with 785.500 tracked bills the value of 20,- € / bill 2014-12-06: I tracked the 5.000.000 bill in vienna -> the metropolis of ebt – 996.019 bills tracked 2014-12-27: today it's my real 51. birthday and I reach 1.000.000 bills as the 1. viennies, the 2. austrian and the 12. tracker on ebt-international / value per bill 20,042455 € / 12.929 (and 15.032 moderated) hit's with 1.268 different hit-partners -> thx to all 2016-07-20: I had tracked 15.000 500er's and I think no tracker had tracked more – 1.222.051 bills tracked 2017-06-19: I overtake team nossi -> now I'm the viennes tracker with the most hit's, in austria I'm Nr. 3 and ebt-wide on place 13 – 1.334.654 bills tracked 2017-08-09: I overtake Mil€s66 -> now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 2 national and Nr. 11 international – 1.350.154 bills tracked 2017-11-15: I overtake Math Murderer -> now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 2 national and Nr. 10 international – 1.379.554 bills tracked 2018-02-02: I overtake G,Müller & Family (exactly on this day they found a note I tracked 1.153 days before) -> now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 2 national and Nr. 9 international – 1.418.613 bills tracked 2018-03-12: I overtake emppu -> now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 2 national and Nr. 8 international - 1.438.180 bills tracked 2018-09-07: I tracked in all nominations at minimum a worth of 1.000.000,- € - 1.496.014 bills tracked 2018-09-19: I tracked 1.500.00 bills with the worth of 30.178.565 €
2019-04-25: I tracked the 20.000 500er - 1.575.575 bills tracked 2019-07-12: I overtake bhoeyb -> now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 2 national and Nr. 7 international - 1.595.658 bills tracked 2020-02-29: my regular hit's overtakes my moderated hit's - both are at the moment 19.955 - 1.626.025 bills tracked 2020-05-28: H.i.n.t.i. overtakes me - now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 3 national an Nr. 8 international - 1.635.508 bills tracked 2021-01-14: again more moderated hit's than regular hit's - 1.665.754 bills tracked 2021-06-19: my regular hit's overtakes my moderated hit's - both are at the moment 21.043 - 1.684.573 bills tracked 2021-11-08: Math Murderer overtakes me - now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 3 national an Nr. 9 international - 1.691.260 bills tracked somewhere in the mid of 2023 inDUS overtakes me - now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 3 national and Nr. 10 international - I only track 27 bills / day 2024-02-03: Hilden-Itter overtakes me - now I'm Nr. 1 in vienna, Nr. 3 national and Nr. 11 international - 1.715.353 bills tracked